Hive Basket
The Hive Practice Basket (formerly Yellow Jacket Basket) is a very ec
The MVP Black Hole Lite is the perfect basket for somebody wanting a more portable basket solution. It weights just under 26 lbs (25% lighter than the Black Hole Pro). This package includes an MVP Transit Basket Carrying bag. The Black Hole Lite features:
Our Price: |
€179.90 |
It is easy to play and practice disc golf anywhere with this contractible, and
The ProBasket Trainer is a quality, solid basket for practicing at home. This b
The Black Hole Practice Basket is the most affordable portable basket in the Bl
The Legacy Sharpshooter is a quality practice basket with the flexibility to mo
It is an officially approved disc golf target by the PDGA (Professional Di
The Black Hole Pro HD takes the practice basket to the next level. Designed to
Hagebygatan 241, Norrkoping, . 603 62
Physical Store Open:
Saturday 10.00 - 14.00
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