Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Disc golf courses are inexpensive to install, and the sport is inexpensive to play. It got started when people began selecting objects in a park as targets and seeing how many Frisbee throws it would take to hit them. Eventually, baskets were used as the target, which would catch the disc. Discs specifically made for disc golf were produced and the sport hasn’t stopped growing since.

Installation Costs

A disc golf course can be created for as little as the cost of the targets (baskets). A nine hole course can cost less than $3,000. Installation labor is relatively easy and can often be accomplished with volunteer labor from Eagle Scout projects and local disc golf clubs. Experienced disc golfers are almost always willing to design a course for free.

Even courses where the grass or dirt is just marked for a tee pad will get played. Of course, more desirable courses will also invest in actual tee pads and signage.

If one wants to really create a fantastic course, professional course designers are available for hire. Tournament level courses need to have at least 18 holes.

Maintenance Costs

Unlike traditional golf, maintenance costs for disc golf are minimal. For the most part, courses installed in public parks require the maintenance work that is already being done for the park. Courses in grassy areas may require additional trimming around the baskets and surrounding area. In wooded and forest areas the course may require occasional trimming of trees and bushes.

Costs to Play

Unlike traditional golf which is often seen as “a rich man’s sport,” most disc golf courses have no green fees and no cost to play. There is no financial barrier that prevents people with a desire to get out and play.

While experienced disc golfers typically use multiple discs in a round, the game can be played with just a single disc which can be purchased for as little as $6.

Pay to Play Courses

While most courses in public parks are free to play, exclusive courses, especially those that co-exist with traditional golf courses, often charge green fees. Charging for rounds of disc golf is a great way to bring in additional revenue during non peak hours for struggling golf courses and other underutilized lands. According to the 2017 State of Disc Golf Survey, more than 80% of disc golfers are willing to pay about $5 to play a round of disc golf at a quality course.

Money Disc Golfers are Willing to Pay to Play

Additional Resources

Course Installation

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