Adding courses is the most important step to making Infinite Courses work. It is important that courses are added by local, knowledgeable disc golfers who know the different layouts, pars, and rules.
To add a course you need to know the course’s address as well as details that will provide for a useful description. Include details such as hazards, tournaments, conflicting park uses, and times when it is good or not good to play.
It’s also nice to have pictures and hole distances ready to go. Any registered user can edit a course, and add additional details and pictures later, but it’s nice to have everything ready for the initial upload.
To add a course, simply click the “add a new course” button on the courses page
Once a course is added, layouts can be added next.
Infinite Points: 50 Points are awarded for each course added (nothing else yields this many points).
Player Profiles – Top Courses – Map Search